Summer Projects

with Projects Abroad

  Languages Medicine Childcare Communitites Land Conservation Teaching
project location Africa Asia Australia Europe South America
start dateStart date:
Please refer to our website for project dates
Volunteer project
accommodation includedAccommodation included
training providedTraining provided

Our overseas placements last anywhere from two weeks to twelve months, making them ideal for people looking to volunteer as part of their gap year, summer holidays, as well as those looking to volunteer as part of a career break.

Our projects run year-round and starting dates are flexible, so you can choose when you begin your project.

Projects Abroad work in partnership with local communities, you can be sure that your help gives the maximum benefit to the people and places that require it most.

Summer Projects

typical day
The course description
a typical day on this gap project

There are many different 2 week projects to choose between; from Archaeology in Romania to working in an orphanage in India, teaching sports in Ghana to volunteering on a turtle conservation project in Mexico. You will be working alongside local people as well as a small group of fellow volunteers.

Each project is different so please click through to our website to read the full description of the project that interests you most.

ideal candidate
Who are we looking for?
the requirements for this course

No previous experience needed.

our offer
What can we offer you?
why choose us for your gap year

Projects Abroad employs staff in every one of our destinations. They will meet you when you arrive at the airport and drop you off at the end of your placement. They will give you a full induction and safety briefing, and will be there to support you 24 hours a day should you ever need their assistance or support.

Our Short-term Special volunteers will have a supervisor with them at all times.

The cost of your project includes your food, accommodation, travel & medical insurance and 24 hour back-up from both our local and UK staff.


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