Childcare Gap Year Courses

Au Pairs, Nannies and Child Care Assistants are in demand throughout the world, so if you have previous experience of working with children, or you would like to gain some practical training, take a look at the options and information below. From an educational perspective, hands on child care will give you valuable experience before a college or degree course and the new skills and evidence of responsibility will look good on your CV.

Working in Childcare is a unique and rewarding way of spending your Gap Year, especially if you're considering making it a career when you return. There are lots of options available all over the world for anyone who wants to spend their Gap Year in childcare.

Need some help - Looking for Inspiration?

Let us find your perfect Childcare Gap Year. We can put you in touch with a few outstanding providers who can help you plan and cost your adventure.

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Child Care Volunteer Programs from as low as  £100

Child Care Volunteer Programs from as low as £100

location icon Africa

As a Childcare volunteer on this project, you will work within in day care centers, nursery schools, children’s homes and kindergartens to assist local staff in the day-to-day running of these centers with activities like educational and basic teaching of English, Math, Reading and Writing etc
search icon More Details.. plane icon Volunteers 2 Uganda

Become a qualified ski instructor - Train, qualify and work all in one season

Become a qualified ski instructor - Train, qualify and work all in one season

location icon Asia Australasia Europe NorthAmerica

Do you want a career that will take you across the globe? Do you want to live and work in the world's top ski destinations? Become a ski instructor with EA Ski & Snowboard Training and fast-track your career in the snow industry. Choose from 30 resorts across five countries.
search icon More Details.. plane icon EA Ski and Snowboard


Child Care Volunteer Programs from as low as  £100

Child Care Volunteer Programs from as low as £100

location icon Africa

As a Childcare volunteer on this project, you will work within in day care centers, nursery schools, children’s homes and kindergartens to assist local staff in the day-to-day running of these centers with activities like educational and basic teaching of English, Math, Reading and Writing etc
search icon More Details.. plane icon Volunteers 2 Uganda

Summer Projects for 16-19 year olds

Summer Projects for 16-19 year olds

location icon Africa Asia Europe SouthAmerica

Our Short-term Special Projects for 16-19 year olds offer teenagers the chance to volunteer and make a difference during their summer holidays! Projects Abroad has a wide range of projects from our Care & Panda Project in China to Conservation Projects in Peru.
search icon More Details.. plane icon Projects Abroad

Become a qualified ski instructor - Train, qualify and work all in one season

Become a qualified ski instructor - Train, qualify and work all in one season

location icon Asia Australasia Europe NorthAmerica

Do you want a career that will take you across the globe? Do you want to live and work in the world's top ski destinations? Become a ski instructor with EA Ski & Snowboard Training and fast-track your career in the snow industry. Choose from 30 resorts across five countries.
search icon More Details.. plane icon EA Ski and Snowboard


Care with Projects Abroad

Care with Projects Abroad

location icon Africa Asia Australasia SouthAmerica

Projects Abroad offers the chance to care for underprivileged children in orphanages, day care centres, special-needs centres and kindergartens. As a volunteer you will enhance the growth, development and well-being of the children.
search icon More Details.. plane icon Projects Abroad

Paid Gap Student

Paid Gap Student

location icon

This is an exciting opportunity for students who have completed further education and are leaving school at age 18 or those graduating from higher education to join our new College, located just outside Brighton in the beautiful South Downs area of Sussex.
search icon More Details.. plane icon Oxford International College Brighton

Skiers wanted Become an instructor - training and job included

Skiers wanted Become an instructor - training and job included

location icon Asia Australasia Europe NorthAmerica

Want to get turn your love of skiing or snowboarding into a career? Become a ski or snowboard instructor. Receive world-class training, gain internationally-recognised qualifications and get a guaranteed paid job offer at the ski resort of your choice.
search icon More Details.. plane icon EA Ski and Snowboard

Various Volunteer Programs in Uganda from as low as  £100

Various Volunteer Programs in Uganda from as low as £100

location icon Africa

You Volunteer with different Volunteer projects around Uganda, These include Teaching, Childcare, Women Empowerment, Special Needs Care, HIV/ AIDS Support, Sports Education. Street and Slum Children Support around Uganda.
search icon More Details.. plane icon Volunteers 2 Uganda

Summer Projects

Summer Projects

location icon Africa Asia Australasia Europe SouthAmerica

Our Short-term Special projects are group trips for 16-19 year olds and run throughout the summer months. If you have time to spare over the summer holidays then why not join us on one of our short programmes designed especially for you.
search icon More Details.. plane icon Projects Abroad

Au Pairs, Nannies and Child Care

These can include working in an Orphanage or Children's Home, becoming a private Au Pair, or being a Nanny for the winter season in one of the many Ski resorts. Many of the large Gap Year providers offer a childcare programme, often working with underprivileged and neglected children in the developing world. Offering care, support and stimulation to these children can have a significant impact on their lives, and is therefore one of the most worthwhile ways to spend your year out.

These placements can be paid or voluntary positions and some may require a formal qualification, although the majority don't. It's always worth checking with the provider before you commit to anything. If you're thinking of planning a Childcare Gap Year, have a look at some of the opportunities listed below. Not only could you be working in some fantastic destinations and experiencing new cultures, you can also return from your year out knowing you've made a positive contribution to children's lives.