Medical Gap Year Courses

Get hands on medical experience during your gap year to improve your knowledge, broaden your ideas and improve your CV. Working with local doctors and medical professionals you will be providing valuable support to hospitals and medical centres in parts of the world with inadequate funding and stretched facilities. Projects available include nursing, midwifery, dentistry and more, in projects locations around the world.

Medical gap years are a good mix of learning and giving something back. You will be learning valuable new skills to take forward into your future studies and beyond, as well as providing huge benefits to the local community by giving vital aid to those that need it most. Many companies offer varying lengths of placements depending on your trip criteria, so whether you have a spare month or whole year, you can be sure to find a project to suit you.

Need some help - Looking for Inspiration?

Let us find your perfect Medical Gap Year. We can put you in touch with a few outstanding providers who can help you plan and cost your adventure.

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Summer Projects for 16-19 year olds

Summer Projects for 16-19 year olds

location icon Africa Asia Europe SouthAmerica

Our Short-term Special Projects for 16-19 year olds offer teenagers the chance to volunteer and make a difference during their summer holidays! Projects Abroad has a wide range of projects from our Care & Panda Project in China to Conservation Projects in Peru.
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Summer Projects

Summer Projects

location icon Africa Asia Australasia Europe SouthAmerica

Our Short-term Special projects are group trips for 16-19 year olds and run throughout the summer months. If you have time to spare over the summer holidays then why not join us on one of our short programmes designed especially for you.
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Summer Projects for 16-19 year olds

Summer Projects for 16-19 year olds

location icon Africa Asia Europe SouthAmerica

Our Short-term Special Projects for 16-19 year olds offer teenagers the chance to volunteer and make a difference during their summer holidays! Projects Abroad has a wide range of projects from our Care & Panda Project in China to Conservation Projects in Peru.
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Summer Projects

Summer Projects

location icon Africa Asia Australasia Europe SouthAmerica

Our Short-term Special projects are group trips for 16-19 year olds and run throughout the summer months. If you have time to spare over the summer holidays then why not join us on one of our short programmes designed especially for you.
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Medical Experience Abroad

Medical Experience Abroad

location icon Africa Asia Europe SouthAmerica

By volunteering on a Medicine & Healthcare Project you will have the opportunity to experience the challenges faced by medical institutions across the developing world. You will have the chance to gain work experience whilst helping some of the poorest people in the world.
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Medical Gap Year Experience

If you are planning on embarking on a medical career or you're looking to get further 'hands on' experience during your studies, then a Medical Gap Year could be a valuable and rewarding option to consider. Gone are the days of ploughing your way through year after year of studies, in fact prospective students are now encouraged to take part in volunteer medical programs by medical schools as a way of maturing and preparing themselves for their course. The Gap Year experience will also allow you travel the world, as well as potentially earning you some money!

Volunteering on a Medical Project could take you to many different countries, and you don't need to be an aspiring brain surgeon to sign up. Placements could include Nursing in Africa, Midwifery in Asia, Dentistry in South America or Physiotherapy in Australasia, the world is your oyster, and luckily there are a number of specialist gap year companies on hand to help you plan the experience no matter what your level of qualification or your desired medical profession.

Once you return from your project, be sure to update your CV and notify your desired Medical School or Healthcare employer. It's important they understand you spent your gap year in a medical environment and by providing them with examples of your hands on experience, you'll be giving yourself the best opportunity of securing that dream job or course placement.