Gap Years for Personal Development

You could spend a lifetime reading about how to improve yourself; how to achieve personal development. You may be drawn to the 8 pillars of personal development or the 5 key areas to personal growth, but when all said and done, it is really quite simple. Your personal development is how you improve yourself to become a better person, phisically, menatally and/or emotionally.

A gap year is a fantastic way to achieve personal development, and is the reason so many young adults fill the gap between education and working life with an experience designed to give them new experiences. Learning more about the world, improving your communications skills, exploring your spiritual or emotional side, or simply trekking through jungle and mountainous terrain to improve your physical fitness. A gap year experience can be chosen to develop you as a person in any number of different ways.

Need some help - Looking for Inspiration?

Let us find your perfect Personal Development Gap Year. We can put you in touch with a few outstanding providers who can help you plan and cost your adventure.

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Volunteer in Costa Rica with Raleigh International

Volunteer in Costa Rica with Raleigh International

location icon SouthAmerica

Find yourself working with rural communities in the very heart of Costa Rica, working to protect one of the most bio-diverse places on the planet. Become part of the long legacy Raleigh has created in Costa Rica.
search icon More Details.. plane icon Raleigh International

Care with Projects Abroad

Care with Projects Abroad

location icon Africa Asia Australasia SouthAmerica

Projects Abroad offers the chance to care for underprivileged children in orphanages, day care centres, special-needs centres and kindergartens. As a volunteer you will enhance the growth, development and well-being of the children.
search icon More Details.. plane icon Projects Abroad


Various Volunteer Programs in Uganda from as low as  £100

Various Volunteer Programs in Uganda from as low as £100

location icon Africa

You Volunteer with different Volunteer projects around Uganda, These include Teaching, Childcare, Women Empowerment, Special Needs Care, HIV/ AIDS Support, Sports Education. Street and Slum Children Support around Uganda.
search icon More Details.. plane icon Volunteers 2 Uganda

Culture & Community

Culture & Community

location icon Africa Asia SouthAmerica

Projects Abroad offers the unique experience to immerse yourself in the local culture through our Culture & Community Projects. Whether you are on our Nomad Project in Mongolia or participating on our Khmer Project, you will become an important part of a local community overseas.
search icon More Details.. plane icon Projects Abroad

Summer Projects for 16-19 year olds

Summer Projects for 16-19 year olds

location icon Africa Asia Europe SouthAmerica

Our Short-term Special Projects for 16-19 year olds offer teenagers the chance to volunteer and make a difference during their summer holidays! Projects Abroad has a wide range of projects from our Care & Panda Project in China to Conservation Projects in Peru.
search icon More Details.. plane icon Projects Abroad


Care with Projects Abroad

Care with Projects Abroad

location icon Africa Asia Australasia SouthAmerica

Projects Abroad offers the chance to care for underprivileged children in orphanages, day care centres, special-needs centres and kindergartens. As a volunteer you will enhance the growth, development and well-being of the children.
search icon More Details.. plane icon Projects Abroad

Premium School based work

Premium School based work

location icon MidEast

We are currently hiring for the 2025 academic year start in Muscat, Oman. we also have limited places available in Qatar and Saudi Arabia. These placements will run throughout the academic year (until end of June 2025) and successful applicants will be given the chance to work in all 3 countries
search icon More Details.. plane icon Cheltenham School Muscat

Volunteer and Protect the Rainforests of Borneo

Volunteer and Protect the Rainforests of Borneo

location icon Asia

Raleigh has relaunched it's Expeditions to Malaysian Borneo, having been there until 2017 for more than 30 years. Become part of the long legacy Raleigh has created in Borneo working to support projects combatting the effects of deforestation and helping rural communities with access to education.
search icon More Details.. plane icon Raleigh International

Paid Gap Student

Paid Gap Student

location icon

This is an exciting opportunity for students who have completed further education and are leaving school at age 18 or those graduating from higher education to join our new College, located just outside Brighton in the beautiful South Downs area of Sussex.
search icon More Details.. plane icon Oxford International College Brighton

Volunteer in Costa Rica with Raleigh International

Volunteer in Costa Rica with Raleigh International

location icon SouthAmerica

Find yourself working with rural communities in the very heart of Costa Rica, working to protect one of the most bio-diverse places on the planet. Become part of the long legacy Raleigh has created in Costa Rica.
search icon More Details.. plane icon Raleigh International

Law & Human Rights

Law & Human Rights

location icon Africa Asia SouthAmerica

Volunteering on a Law & Human Rights placement with Projects Abroad gives you the chance to make a real difference to the lives of people in the developing world.
search icon More Details.. plane icon Projects Abroad

Gap year travel offers you opportunities to develop new skills and to enjoy new experiences. Whether your gap year is a personal journey designed to work on your own personal development, or a way of helping others through sharing your knowledge and skills, or both, we can help you find the perfect experience.

Work experience is one of the best attributes for a CV and when making a job application - demonstrating that you know how to do something - that you have gained that experience. Personal development is also about experience and a gap year is an excellent way to gain life experience, improving your communcation and interpersonal skills, giving you independence to make decisions, and showing you compassion for the people we share our world with.

Take a look at the personal development themed gap years above or use the form at the top of the page if you would like more help finding your perfect adventure.